The E-Motorbike marks a new generation of electric motorbikes, designed
specifically for film & TV professionals. With its powerful motor,
it’s the ideal tool to help capture moving subjects
in confined areas. The E-Motorbike’s handling
enables exceptionally precise shots,
thus offering a unique cinematic experience.
Max speed
110 km/h
1 rider
90 km
Eco-friendly vehicle
Key benefits:
• Optimum performance: Its powerful motor is specially designed for
shooting dynamic scenes, delivering unmatched fluidity and responsiveness.
• Ergonomic design: Smartly incorporated front and rear platforms can carry
batteries and sundry accessories, further facilitating
work in the field.
• Innovative assembly: A shock absorber has been developed to allow front and rear
camera mounting, offering an array of
filming options (over and under slung).
Download the vehicle's spec sheet
The E-Motorbike is a seriously creative tool that is revolutionizing styles of filming and interacting with the environment.

Adaptable configurations:
Compatible with lightweight gyro heads such as: SRH-3, Colibri, Stab 1, and Ronin 2.